Cover Story Current Issue

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) poses significant challenges due to its hidden onset, high malignancy, and the lack of effective treatments. Together with surgery, adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy remains the primary treatment for patients with resectable or borderline resectable disease. However, the extensive metabolic reprogramming exhibited by pancreatic cancer cells interacts with oncogenes to affect the expression of key enzymes and signaling pathways, resulting in limited response to therapy and chemoresistance.

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Current Issue

Regulation of energy balance by leptin as an adiposity signal and modulator of the reward system

Roshanak Asgari, Maria Caceres-Valdiviezo, Sally Wu, Laurie Hamel, ... Sandra Pereira

Regulation of energy balance by leptin as an adiposity signal and modulator of the reward system


Leptin is an adipose tissue-derived hormone that plays a crucial role in body weight, appetite, and behaviour regulation. Leptin controls energy balance as an indicator of adiposity levels and as a modulator of the reward system, which is associated with liking palatable foods. Obesity is characterized by expanded adipose tissue mass and consequently, elevated concentrations of leptin in blood. Leptin's therapeutic potential for most forms of obesity is hampered by leptin resistance and a narrow dose–response window.

Scope of Review

This review describes the current knowledge of the brain regions and intracellular pathways through which leptin promotes negative energy balance and restrains neural circuits affecting food reward. We also describe mechanisms that hinder these biological responses in obesity and highlight potential therapeutic interventions.

Major Conclusions

Additional research is necessary to understand how pathways engaged by leptin in different brain regions are interconnected in the control of energy balance.

Articles in Press

Regulation of energy balance by leptin as an adiposity signal and modulator of the reward system

Roshanak Asgari, Maria Caceres-Valdiviezo, Sally Wu, Laurie Hamel, ... Sandra Pereira

Regulation of energy balance by leptin as an adiposity signal and modulator of the reward system


Leptin is an adipose tissue-derived hormone that plays a crucial role in body weight, appetite, and behaviour regulation. Leptin controls energy balance as an indicator of adiposity levels and as a modulator of the reward system, which is associated with liking palatable foods. Obesity is characterized by expanded adipose tissue mass and consequently, elevated concentrations of leptin in blood. Leptin's therapeutic potential for most forms of obesity is hampered by leptin resistance and a narrow dose–response window.

Scope of Review

This review describes the current knowledge of the brain regions and intracellular pathways through which leptin promotes negative energy balance and restrains neural circuits affecting food reward. We also describe mechanisms that hinder these biological responses in obesity and highlight potential therapeutic interventions.

Major Conclusions

Additional research is necessary to understand how pathways engaged by leptin in different brain regions are interconnected in the control of energy balance.

Save the Date

12th Helmholtz 
Diabetes Conference 

22-24. Sep, Munich

You are what you eat

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