Cover Story

In 1902, Ralph Larrabee provided intriguing evidence suggesting parallels between the changes in white blood cell counts observed in Boston Marathon runners and those seen in specific disease states. Notably he also noted a considerable leukocytosis of the inflammatory type, suggesting a potential link between extreme exercise and inflammatory responses. This early observation laid the groundwork for further investigations into the complex relationship between exercise intensity, immune system activation, and health outcomes, igniting an ongoing debate about the impact of exercise on the immune system.

Today we know exercise shows quantifiable and observable benefits to human health across multiple scales, but the specific genetic and biological processes and pathways underlying these benefits remain unclear. This is primarily caused by individuals exhibiting significant physiological variations in their response to exercise training, coupled with the diverse methods, subjects and timelines used in studying this phenomenon, which impacts the potential for clear and reproducible analysis. A deeper grasp of the metabolic and cellular impacts of exercise could lead to more targeted exercise approaches. Additionally, unraveling the molecular shifts induced by various exercise methods may hasten the identification of pharmaceutical targets for improving metabolic well-being. To combat the global pandemic of physical inactivity and its associated toll of 5.3 million deaths annually, we must gain a better understanding of the fundamental principles governing physical activity’s benefits.

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